Putting things away

Chilling, Chores, Exercise, Gear 1 Comment »

First off, I want to clear something up.  The wires, birds, and cat on the wire on the wall in Noah’s room is all part of a decal.  I, or Kate, can not take credit for painting or drawing that.  I can however take credit for painting the fake telephone pole (6″ wide vertical black line), any spelling mistakes made in this or previous posts, or any rambling half completed sentences that don’t seem to make sense.

Now on with our show..  On Super Bowl Sunday we (Kate) did some cleaning up.  Putting away some toys that Noah doesn’t use anymore.  You can probably guess that this made Noah really curious about the things that Kate was putting away, so he started playing with them…  It’s just how things go.

To heckle Noah I put a toy on his belt loop.

To be helpful Noah started throwing wipes, and anything else he could find, away.

Thanks buddy, and thanks to Nana and Opa for offering to store things for us.