Feb 04 2015
Aunt Lisa, Auntie Mindy, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Eating, Family, Fancy, Friends, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying, Psyched, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim
Christmas morning in out Brooklyn apartment with Nana, Grampa, and Aunt Mindy.
Dressed and ready to go to Nana T. and Opa’s.
Opa’s beer fridge.
Noah telling Uncle Emmett the story about losing his tooth the night before.
Declan checking for loose teeth too.
Jars of mustard from Opa to the boys. (Next two photos by Kate)
Nana T. showing us a shirt that Kate wore a few years back.
Birthday Party!
Kate with Matthew, Anne and Andy’s son.
Anne and Andy’s daughter Catherine!
...according to Kreg
Dec 24 2014
Aunt Lisa, Auntie Mindy, Cousin Declan, Eating, Exercise, Exploring, Family, Gear, Grandparents, Holidays, Learning, Milestones, Partying, School, Sports, Travel, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim, Vacation
Thanks for keeping up with us. Happy Holidays to everyone!
...according to Kreg
Aug 28 2014
Last beach day of our Florida vacation. Finn getting at it.
Riley missing a wave.
Declan ready for the wave.
Later we all went to dinner and caught a pretty nice sunset.
More soon..
...according to Kreg
Aug 22 2014
Finn getting at it right away on the first morning in New Smyrna Beach, FL.
Riley, Finn’s sister, helping Noah with his bug bites.
Later, back to the beach one more time before dinner.
The next morning. Taking in the view.
Jamming after dinner.
More soon..
...according to Kreg
Aug 21 2014
In July we spent a nice, relaxing week in Florida with Kate’s family and cousins. I took some pictures for you.
When we landed, Kate’s cousin Dede picked us up at the airport and drove us to her brother Patrick’s house where everyone was swimming and Finn, Patrick and Amy’s son, was shooting arrows.
Finn’s friend Presley.
Patrick tossing Finn.
Father and son circus tricks.
Later, Noah chasing lizards and paying the price.
At Kat and Moira’s house, still chasing lizards the next day.
After driving from Orlando to New Smyrna Beach and getting settled in…
More soon..
...according to Kreg
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