Sep 25 2009
Wednesday morning we got up and life was pretty much back to normal after all our time apart.
Noah was even dancing around (here he is in mid shimmy), happy to have us back.
Then The Deaner’s showed up…
…and all at once, everything was upside down again.
Truth be told, we were really happy to have The Deaner’s over, and excited for Joshua who won a rather impressive contest for a book he designed (see an interview with him here). Wednesday night us grown-ups celebrated at a swanky awards party for the book, Julian and Noah stayed home.
...according to Kreg
Aug 06 2009
Our friend Tonya is partners in a great production company called Sweet Genius. They mainly wrangle together high-end photo shoots, which is kind of like coordinating a wedding everyday. Sometimes the photo shoot calls for models, and that usually leads to a casting. When a casting comes around for a kid Noah’s age, we get the email. This was Noah’s second casting, but even better, it would be the first time Noah got to meet Tonya (that’s completely my fault, I’m a hermit now).
Every budding model needs a good lunch. Noah had a late and long morning nap so he had to eat his lunch on the train.
Busy studio…
This campaign was for an anti-drunk driving campaign and they need real people (not just Noah quailty models), so we stood there with him to try and get a taste of the limelight too. The mood of the campaign was a little sad so we were asked not to smile, which is why Kate looks like she is mad at me.
We also had to show pictures of loved ones. I tried to show a picture of my snowboard, but Kate made me use a picture of her. (Photo below by Kate)
Tonya said Noah did a great job.
After that was over I dragged everyone to the AT&T repair store so I could get a new phone (the Y-key on my Blackberry stopped working).
Noah liked to slap the black glass coffee table. I told him not to leave evidence that we were there, but he wouldn’t listen.
...according to Kreg
Oct 29 2008
I guess this might not really count as coming from the “media” but the newly launched “Charest Family Blog” has some video of a visit with Noah.
Check out the video posted here, wait for the later half to see Noah.
...according to Kreg
Oct 21 2008
Will I scar this kid by photographing him so much? I feel like he is starting to pose for me. Is that possible?
...according to Kreg
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