Halloween at school

Animals, Fancy, Fashion, Friends, Holidays, Partying, School 1 Comment »

A little delayed, but Hanson Place made their Halloween party happen.

Everything at Noah’s school starts (or ends) with a dance party.

Leo as Elton John.

Everyone loves brunch

Auntie Mindy, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Family, Fashion, Grandparents Comments Off on Everyone loves brunch

Remnants of a stoop party the day before.

Heading over to Nana T. and Opa’s for brunch with cousins from Michigan. Acie, Beau, and Ceon (left to right).


Acie and Noah went right upstairs and watched TV.

Caitlin in Noah’s old hat.


Later, playing with some of the glow sticks that Aunt Mindy sent.


Animals, Chilling, Eating, Fashion, Friends Comments Off on Fleaing

At the Brooklyn Flea.

While waiting for food, we ran into Jerry, Amanda, and Mae and the kids shared some pizza.

Mae drooled a reindeer onto her shirt!

That’s it. Not every post has to be 30 photos…

Meeting Caitlin

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Eating, Exercise, Family, Fashion, Friends, Milestones, Partying, Uncle Emmett Comments Off on Meeting Caitlin

The other weekend we drove out to Emmett and Lisa’s to meet someone new. Would Emmett and Lisa let us in? Would I have to sit outside?  Would they take our present and slam the door on us?

Caitlin Mea Urban! Born July 9th, she weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Kate admitted that she was a little psyched to shop for a girl.

Big brother Declan.

Big cousin Noah?

We hung out with Emmett, Lisa, and the kids for a while (I even got to wash our car) but we had a street party to get to (at a cops house? It’s a long story).


Noah and Julia, learning to clear a location SWAT team style.

Taking some friendly fire.

When you join “the force” the first thing they do is spray you in the face with mace right? This is kind of like that.

Caught some perps trying to wash “contraband” down the sink.


Low tide, high hopes for sun.

Animals, Eating, Exploring, Fashion, Friends, Shopping, Vacation Comments Off on Low tide, high hopes for sun.

Skaket Beach.

The tide was so low we ran to try and reach the ocean.

Smiles all around.

For a little while at least…

…it’s just water…

Hermit crab.

Amanda put on nail polish that matched the buoys.

I had two 4 figure ($) camera’s around my neck, and the best photo I got was with my phone…


This is a tourist destination, no really.

The Chatham Pier Fish Market.

Photo my Joshua Deaner.

Noah is asking for this backpack for his birthday.

The rain started and Kate darted into a store. Lucky for me and Noah it was a candy store.

She followed up the candy store by bringing a toddler eating M&M’s into a store selling 4 figure ($!) clothing for old ladies.

We got out safely.

Back at the house.