Dec 12 2013
Last weekend we met up with Nate, Geneva, and some of Nate’s friends for brunch and ice skating at McCarren Rink.
Lacing em up.
New fashion territory, designer bags and hockey skates.
Nate helping Noah out.
(This one’s from my phone)
Happy Birthday Nate! Thanks for inviting us.
...according to Kreg
Nov 12 2013
Dinner with a dragon before we went trick or treating.
The streets were wild.
We met up with Savannah and family for the easiest trick or treating on earth, walking the hallways of their 100 unit building. We took the elevator up and started at the top.
Derby taking it all in.
Slowing these two down so everyone else could catch up.
Andy still celebrating that big Red Sox win!!
This one was a little sketchy.
The woman that opened the door was wearing a “naughty devil” outfit, talking soft as a man filmed her… Run!
Winding down.
Great year as always. Thanks to Andy and Aransas for inviting us over!
...according to Kreg
Nov 11 2013
Art, Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Chilling, Family, Fancy, Fashion, Gear, Learning, Partying, Psyched, Sappy
After a night filled with spin art, Aunt Mindy and Noah woke up determined to tie dye shirts before Aunt Mindy drove back to NH. Here they are heading out for supplies.
Riding some laps in front of the Barclay’s Center.
At lunch, watching the Patriots game with sun in the eyes.
Back home.
Tying before dyeing.
Makeshift gloves.
Then it was time to say good bye.
It took a while.
No one was in a rush.
Thanks for the visit Aunt Mindy. It was great to have you here, as always!
...according to Kreg
Nov 08 2013
Auntie Mindy, Chilling, Eating, Fashion, Friends, Gear, Gross, Partying, Psyched, Sports, Trouble
The other weekend Aunt Mindy came down to visit and got a quick tour of Noah’s school.
A quick stop at Lulu’s for a couple animals.
Kate and I had a “wig and wine” party to go to for Andy’s 40th Birthday that night. Noah in Kate’s wig.
Kate in my wig…
Before we left we set up Aunt Mindy and Noah with the spin art machine that we are borrowing.
A bunch of hours later, after the party, and a little after Noah’s bedtime…
…the Red Sox game was still on, Nate was over, and Noah was hopped up on pudding that Nate put chocolate chips in.
They had a little factory going.
...according to Kreg
Oct 16 2013
Messing around at South Oxford Park one warm day after school.
Noah’s thing was to run around the park and randomly drop the water balloon, barely slowing down enough to see it break, or to notice the kids kissing on the bench.
Bulk breakage.
...according to Kreg
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