Mar 19 2013
Last week I had a pair of sicklies hanging around the house.
For St. Patricks day Aunt Mindy sent Noah a puppy.
Noah tied him to the chair so he wouldn’t run away.
Sunday at Oliver’s birthday party.
Everyone in costume.
Derby as Ariel.
Twin Merida’s.
...according to Kreg
Mar 14 2013
My new sunglasses made everything look great as we took Noah to his second swim class.
Noah fell into the only pile of snow while running around the playground with his hand in his pocket.
...according to Kreg
Jan 09 2013
Waking up at Aunt Mindy’s apt. Munchkins for breakfast.
Morning performance.
Appreciative audience.
A quick ride north and we make it to Nana and Grampa Holt’s house. After unpacking and settling in we gave Noah’s snowboard a new sticker job.
A little time with Nana before bed.
...according to Kreg
Dec 11 2012
The other weekend, after a run and while Kate was at Yoga, Noah squeezed in a quick trip to the Brooklyn Children’s Museum.
Stick bugs.
Waiting on that bus, trying to get some lunch.
...according to Kreg
Sep 05 2012
Wild Wednesday morning up in Errol NH at L.L. Cote. checking out the famous albino moose.
This place is great.
The mission was to get Noah his first fishing pole.
Flashback to my childhood, my dad tying knots for everyone and getting our hooks out of trees, weeds, rocks, and stumps.
First fish!
Later we went up to Milan Hill State Park to check into the yurt we rented for the night.
I never want to leave.
Carrying a wounded hiker through the park.
Nana came up after work and made dinner.
I never want to leave.
Dirtiest dude.
Talking to Aunt Mindy.
My parents brought the filthy one (Noah) down to their house for the night.
Star watching.
I never want to leave.
...according to Kreg
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