Tower climbing, crustacean eating

Animals, Exploring, Family, Friends, Grandparents, Gross, Hygiene, Vacation 1 Comment »


Milan Hill State Park.

Finding things dropped on purpose.


The state park was closed for a little while and when they eventually reopened it they made it more camper friendly. This is one of 4 Yurts they constructed along with 6 (?) campsites with platforms for tents.

Free continental breakfast.

Back at the compound, checking out Nina and Jaspers pond.

A “natural break” at the playground where I went to elementary school.


Ice cream with no wipes = photo killer.

Later, trapping wild animals.


It was good to be home.

Wild life

Animals, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Family, Gross, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs) 1 Comment »

Last Sunday, waking up at Uncle Bugs’ house.

Jumping around in the room Uncle Bugs uses to showcase his collection of black boots.

An improvised foot stool is just as good as a regular foot stool.

Those black helicopters we weren’t joking about.

Emmett and Lisa drove out with Declan and Caitlin to hang out with us.



Feeding the rays.

Not interested anymore.

Everyone look at this gross hat.

Just kidding, they were looking at this gross fish.

This is what it looks like when you fall into the shark tank.

Outside watching a seal show.

More gross Long Island aquatic life.

The butterfly exhibit.

You know those guys!

Uncle Emmett and some freeloaders.

This pretty much sums it up.

In the bird room.

Back at Uncle Bugs’ place for dinner and pie.

I took this when Noah and I were ready to go.

Thanks again for the great weekend Uncle Bugs!


Eating, Gross, Sup Comments Off on HEY!

Have a good weekend.

Terrorizing Governor’s Island

Exploring, Friends, Gross Comments Off on Terrorizing Governor’s Island

We spent the last week on Cape Cod, but the weekend before we left for that vacation, we spent a day on Governor’s Island.

The Savas’ met up with us just in time for lunch. Derby and I shared some corn.

After lunch, the kids begging for ice cream.

There was a flapper fest on the island.

Heading home.

Kate letting Noah know that she a good day.

Alex and Logan’s Birthday

Art, Friends, Gear, Gross, Hygiene, Partying, Psyched 1 Comment »

A relaxing stroll through the park, on the way to Alex and Logan’s Party. We are so lucky to live close to Prospect Park were we can let Noah scoot away, gliding quickly down the cobblestone paths…

Until he see’s a big dog in the tunnel, loses control of his scooter and lands in the only puddle left in the park.

And it smelled horrible.

Half a pack of wipes and a change of clothes later, this is how we all felt.

Meanwhile, at the party Mia Mae’s brother Sebastian was getting his face painted (and still recovering from a nasty gash on his forehead).


The park “uniform”.

Alex and Logan’s Mom’s hired the best balloon dude ever. Seriously.

Next level (Mia Mae with Hello Kitty).

Nooria and her dual tiara’s.

Balloon dude.

Mia Mae’s Dad Stephane with his mermaid.


I wrote about the balloon dude right?

The frenzy.

Logan (left) with a rocket ship and Alex (right) with an octopus.

The crew.

The boys took turns blowing out the candles. Logan wasn’t as bummed as he looks in the picture on the left.

Thanks to Brooke and Peg for inviting us!