Aug 25 2015
On Sunday Noah turned 7. Crazy. We had Milo, Nooria, and Savannah over for a small Pokemon themed party.
Kate made a great cake.
Noah and Savannah sang some strange happy birthday song the whole train ride to Coney Island. Milo and I weren’t into it.
I tried to get them to ride this one..
Noah and Milo went for this one instead.
...according to Kreg
Jan 28 2015
This year, for the first time, it was Christmas in Brooklyn. Luckily my parents and Aunt Mindy were able to make it down to spend it with us.
Noah was excited.
They came bearing gifts.
Our tree struggled to cover them all.
At the very same time, one of Noah’s teeth decided it wanted out of his face.
Kate and Noah wanted (reluctantly) to try the ole’ string on the doorknob trick.
Many knots tried.
Finally Noah asked me to just pull it out.
Crazy face.
A quick story before bed. Excited to see what both Santa and the Tooth Fairy would bring.
...according to Kreg
Dec 24 2014
Aunt Lisa, Auntie Mindy, Cousin Declan, Eating, Exercise, Exploring, Family, Gear, Grandparents, Holidays, Learning, Milestones, Partying, School, Sports, Travel, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim, Vacation
Thanks for keeping up with us. Happy Holidays to everyone!
...according to Kreg
Dec 09 2014
Like a winter sun struggling to climb into the sky, young Noah and I struggle to get dressed so we can get him to school on time.
Later that night we had a conference with his teacher about how he’s doing, and what we can work on with him.
As we walked home Noah and I played “tag”. At one point while we were running around Noah hid behind Kate and when he did he put his two front teeth (which were loose) on her bag. When he moved, his two front teeth came out. There was a little shock after he quickly picked the teeth up…
But he was tough.
We got him some water.
He took a minute to get used to his new mouth.
The next morning at school he was king of the yard.
...according to Kreg
Sep 08 2014
For Noah’s 6th birthday we invited some of his friends to the Brooklyn Music Factory.
The kids started by jamming for while to warm up, then they started writing a song.
Oliver. Derby.
Nooria (in the back with her dad and sister). Keado.
Nooria’s sister Meesha.
The lyrics they came up with.
Derby feeling it.
Putting music to the lyrics.
Savannah and Keado’s dad.
Switch it up.
Jamming so hard it shook a tooth out of Paxton’s face.
Dad jams.
Savannah wanted her vocals to be louder.
A mellow jam as we all said goodbye.
When we walked outside, Noah gave Savannah a ring that he found a few days before… These kids.
Thanks to everyone for coming!
...according to Kreg
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