Sep 29 2012
Brooklyn Bridge park.
“Madagascar” theme.
I don’t remember them fishing for kids with donuts in Madagascar, but it’s all good.
Audrey’s always on to me.
Shy guy.
It was a beautiful day for sun bathing.
Tseday’s little sister.
Savannah and Alex.
Amelie and Noah C.
A gift from Uncle Tim and Leslie.
Thanks to everyone for coming out!
...according to Kreg
Sep 05 2012
Wild Wednesday morning up in Errol NH at L.L. Cote. checking out the famous albino moose.
This place is great.
The mission was to get Noah his first fishing pole.
Flashback to my childhood, my dad tying knots for everyone and getting our hooks out of trees, weeds, rocks, and stumps.
First fish!
Later we went up to Milan Hill State Park to check into the yurt we rented for the night.
I never want to leave.
Carrying a wounded hiker through the park.
Nana came up after work and made dinner.
I never want to leave.
Dirtiest dude.
Talking to Aunt Mindy.
My parents brought the filthy one (Noah) down to their house for the night.
Star watching.
I never want to leave.
...according to Kreg
Jul 30 2012
Aunt Lisa, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Eating, Exercise, Family, Fashion, Friends, Milestones, Partying, Uncle Emmett
The other weekend we drove out to Emmett and Lisa’s to meet someone new. Would Emmett and Lisa let us in? Would I have to sit outside?  Would they take our present and slam the door on us?
Caitlin Mea Urban! Born July 9th, she weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Kate admitted that she was a little psyched to shop for a girl.
Big brother Declan.
Big cousin Noah?
We hung out with Emmett, Lisa, and the kids for a while (I even got to wash our car) but we had a street party to get to (at a cops house? It’s a long story).
Noah and Julia, learning to clear a location SWAT team style.
Taking some friendly fire.
When you join “the force” the first thing they do is spray you in the face with mace right? This is kind of like that.
Caught some perps trying to wash “contraband” down the sink.
...according to Kreg
Jul 10 2012
First full day of #DOLT2012 (Deaner/Holt Cape Cod Vacation 2012), no regrets about the house we chose.
Field trip to Boston.
(this guy)
Why would we drive to Boston? FENWAY!!!
Lil’ dude giving us some rally raps.
Rally hugs.
It was so hot, that at the top of the 2nd we had gone through 8 bottles of $4 water and were toast.
(Really, we probably made it to he top of the 6th. Still pretty pathetic, but we are comfortable with who we are.)
Adult time.
...according to Kreg
Jul 06 2012
They really teach you how to live at Noah’s school. Every week it feels like there’s some kind of party. Some reason to eat dessert and dance around. I’m doing it all wrong, at least the next generation is learning to do it right. Here are some photos from the “moving up” (i.e. “graduation”) party at Noah’s school two weeks ago. They started things off with a singing and signing demonstration.
The next number.
A little wobble for the crowd.
Aaron and Savannah.
Noah with Clio.
Leo, Laila, and Zion.
Ms. Yelena.
Later, at home, Noah played on my computer while we packed for Cape Cod.
...according to Kreg
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