Savannah’s 4th Birthday Party

Eating, Exercise, Friends, Partying, Theater 3 Comments »

Rain. Not what Savannah, or her party planner (Aransas) wanted for a dance party.

But as always, Aransas out-did herself.

Savannah, with a fresh haircut, watching her room get ransacked by her friends.

Kate talking to DJ Andy Rock (if you couldn’t tell there was a Yo Gabba Gabba theme).

Chester in the bounce house.

Funny Honey, who lives below us, was there to do her magic (literally).

Ladybug on Noah’s hand, and ladybugs on the table.


Cheese balls.

Chesters dad, Booger boy.




Winding down.

Great party, as always. Thanks for inviting us!


Animals, Friends, Partying, Sappy Comments Off on Dizzy

Rainbow toe cheese.

That’s how we start out a post about Clio and Sienna having a joint birthday party at the Prospect Park Carousel.

Unofficially NYC’s fastest, this carousel might not be great if you’re a strange dude trying to take photos the whole time, but if you’re Clio and it’s your birthday and you can’t get enough, you are in heaven.

Sienna was pretty psyched too.

Noah’s first horse and it’s funny tongue.






So. Sappy.

Hours later, Clio was still going around, and around, and around…

Thanks for inviting us!!


Meeting Caitlin

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Eating, Exercise, Family, Fashion, Friends, Milestones, Partying, Uncle Emmett Comments Off on Meeting Caitlin

The other weekend we drove out to Emmett and Lisa’s to meet someone new. Would Emmett and Lisa let us in? Would I have to sit outside?  Would they take our present and slam the door on us?

Caitlin Mea Urban! Born July 9th, she weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Kate admitted that she was a little psyched to shop for a girl.

Big brother Declan.

Big cousin Noah?

We hung out with Emmett, Lisa, and the kids for a while (I even got to wash our car) but we had a street party to get to (at a cops house? It’s a long story).


Noah and Julia, learning to clear a location SWAT team style.

Taking some friendly fire.

When you join “the force” the first thing they do is spray you in the face with mace right? This is kind of like that.

Caught some perps trying to wash “contraband” down the sink.


Moving on up party

Art, Fashion, Friends, Milestones, Partying, School, Theater 2 Comments »

They really teach you how to live at Noah’s school. Every week it feels like there’s some kind of party. Some reason to eat dessert and dance around. I’m doing it all wrong, at least the next generation is learning to do it right. Here are some photos from the “moving up” (i.e. “graduation”) party at Noah’s school two weeks ago. They started things off with a singing and signing demonstration.


The next number.


A little wobble for the crowd.


Aaron and Savannah.

Noah with Clio.

Leo, Laila, and Zion.

Ms. Yelena.

Later, at home, Noah played on my computer while we packed for Cape Cod.

Opa’s Birthday

Eating, Family, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying Comments Off on Opa’s Birthday

It was Opa’s birthday and he was going to be home alone (Nana T. had a meeting and he told her to go), so we invited him over for dinner. Dinner was great, but I’ll skip to the best part, the key lime pie.

*Number of candles pictured does not represent Opa’s real age.