Higher Education

Art, Exploring, Fancy, Learning, Stress, Sup, Theater 1 Comment »

Back to life in NYC after various vacations.

The cool thing to do right now is check out as many pre-kindergarten programs as we can. Snacking on the way to a school the other night.

I judge schools based solely on the introductory movies they have us sit though (totally fair).

Noah wanted to be anywhere else.

I wasn’t into it, Kate was. I blame it on the full moon…

…and the trek it would take to get there everyday.


Sports, Sup, Technology Comments Off on SEO

We are currently 6th if you do a Google search for “smallest snowboard”.

With your help we can be #1!!

Film snob in training

Animals, Art, Fancy, Learning, Psyched, Sup Comments Off on Film snob in training

On Saturday Noah experienced his first film festival. We carefully explained to him that it is important, when attending such an event, to remain critical of everything around him at all times.

We (somehow) found our seats (no usher? SMH!) and began to examine the (hastily designed) schedule (which was not in military time!).

As the lights lowered (barely, is this absolute dark? OMG!) the projector sprung to life.

(Animals, so predictable)

Good times. 10 short animations. All well chosen. I highly recommend it (even if Kate had to drag Noah and I there).

On the other hand, I don’t recommend going shopping with Kate after.

First day on the slopes!

Animals, Exercise, Gear, Grandparents, Learning, Milestones, Psyched, Sports, Stress, Sup, Vacation 2 Comments »

Bretton Woods, NH. Watching people come down the slopes.

Had to check out the red giraffe.

Noah tried to smack the smile off this suns face.

Sizing up the competition.

Magic carpet ride.

Almost ready.

“Where is that 60 foot kicker?”

That might not have been exactly how it went, but Noah gave it a try three times that day and seemed to get the idea. Kate would walk in front of us and while still holding holding his hands I would have him go towards her using either his toes or his heels.

High 5’s to Grampa Holt.

Apres snowboarding with a little juice and watching some Diego, who just by sheer coincidence was snowboarding in the episode that was on my phone.


Auntie Mindy, Chilling, Exploring, Holidays, Learning, Psyched, Stress, Sup, Theater, Trouble 1 Comment »

Just a few of the places I spotted this dude.