Mar 19 2014
On a slightly warm day back at the beginning of February we met up with Nooria at a park.
At home Noah and I did some science experiments.
...according to Kreg
Aug 02 2013
Nana and Grampa Holt in Brooklyn!!
After picking Noah up we went out to dinner at a new BBQ spot near us.
Noah wanted to take a photo of the picture he colored.
Then he wanted to get a picture of everything.
…and everyone.
After dinner we gave my parents a tour of the school Noah is going to in September.
Great right!?!
...according to Kreg
Jul 22 2013
We were in town for the 4th of July weekend and needed to get out of the heat so we went up to Queens to show Kate around the New York Hall of Science.
Start off with some easy block building.
Some decorative skateboards.
Learning about pitch by drumming the rubber part of tube as Kate changes it’s length like a trombone.
Space cadet.
Checking out some cosmic rays.
...according to Kreg
Aug 02 2012
The weather has been weird this summer and we aren’t getting to chill in Prospect Park enough. The other Sunday Nate-dawg met up with us a brought his dogs Bowie and Iman.
Color coordinated ice cream, as always.
Dawg walking.
Light bragging.
Later, after a bath, Noah played Legos in his underwear for Nana and Grampa Holt.
Isn’t technology great!!
...according to Kreg
Jun 05 2012
Sadly, my (computer) tower may be done, but while a genius or two tries to fix it, go back and relive the best moments of this blog through the column on the right called “Some random older posts”.
See you soon.
...according to Kreg
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