Dec 01 2014
Halloween, it brings out the creepiest people…
and this year it brought us the creepiest grandparents, Nana and Grampa Holt. Here they are sneaking up on Noah as we took a family stroll through Prospect Park.
Just a leisurely stroll.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Greeting babies.
Helping others.
...according to Kreg
Nov 28 2014
End of October, chaperoning these kids as they go on a trip to the New Victory Theater.
Show in progress.
Growing up in NH I never thought I would be trying to wrangle my kid and his classmates in Times Square. Good times.
...according to Kreg
Sep 08 2014
For Noah’s 6th birthday we invited some of his friends to the Brooklyn Music Factory.
The kids started by jamming for while to warm up, then they started writing a song.
Oliver. Derby.
Nooria (in the back with her dad and sister). Keado.
Nooria’s sister Meesha.
The lyrics they came up with.
Derby feeling it.
Putting music to the lyrics.
Savannah and Keado’s dad.
Switch it up.
Jamming so hard it shook a tooth out of Paxton’s face.
Dad jams.
Savannah wanted her vocals to be louder.
A mellow jam as we all said goodbye.
When we walked outside, Noah gave Savannah a ring that he found a few days before… These kids.
Thanks to everyone for coming!
...according to Kreg
Jul 10 2014
The kidnergarteners parading into the auditorium at PS133 for their “Moving Up” ceremony.
All 6 classes.
Noah’s teacher, Ms. Rabsatt.
These kids never missing a chance to perform.
In the library with the other Spanish class for a presentation of certificates.
Ms. Chavez.
Brianna posing for a photo in Ms. Rabsatt’s classroom for special awards.
Noah getting an award for being a “Sensational Speller”.
...according to Kreg
Jul 07 2014
A few weeks ago Noah’s school invited the Fathers in for a little appreciation just before Father’s Day.
I was presented gifts.
An ornament..
..and a card with a drawing of Kate skiing, me photographing, me snowboarding, and me skateboarding! Amazing.
Later that afternoon his after-school program, Kid’s Orbit, put on a performance.
It was a musical about “good guys” (played by the kindergarteners)..
..and the older “bad guys” that the “good guys” converted.
Noah’s solo performance.
The video.. (forgive the camera movement, I was multitasking).
...according to Kreg
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