Dec 27 2009
…and we had a 7 and a half hour drive. Not a passenger was psyched, not even the baby strapped in the back seat and for the first time facing forward. When all of a sudden a Panera appeared. Where we ordered some food, and they gave us crazy buzzers to let us know when it was ready.

Fun with soup.

Fast forward to Nana and Grampa Holt’s house where we opened a Christmas Eve gift from Nana and Opa Urban.

There was also a present for Nana and Grampa Holt from Nana and Opa Urban.

Then it was time for supper which was also a great gift. Mid wintahh lobstahh!! You getting my drift? (yeah, I’m still kind of trying halfheartedly to make this rhyme.)

So good.

...according to Kreg
Sep 28 2009
Emmett and Lisa were at a wedding this weekend so Kate, Noah, and I crashed their house to watch their dog Angus and see what life would be like if we lived in Wantaugh.

With our poor planning and traffic we got there with time for Noah to eat and then go to bed.

...according to Kreg
Aug 19 2009
On Saturday we drove up to NH to see my parents and to let my mom throw a little “git-together” for Noah’s first birthday. We got on the road a little later (and a little headache-ier then we wanted) but we made good time even with a quick little picnic of under ripe avocado and fig.

Nina had a little surprise for us. She decorated the manure spreader for Noah’s birthday.

Noah was into it.

Thanks Nina!

Trying out what will be the floor of the new garage before dinner.

...according to Kreg
Jul 30 2009
…or is the glass half-full? Either way, our week in Avon was up on Saturday so we hit the road. Our destination was D.C. for a night in a hotel before driving back to NYC on Sunday.
The sky was sad to see us go.

Diane saying goodbye.

Mike was bummed to leave too.

Noah’s Opa packing up the gear.

Mike and Diane wave goodbye, Kate forgets she is coming with us.

We made a pit stop at Morris Farm’s again.

Before we got very far, the A/C in the van died…Â a collective sigh came from the group.

Noah was psyched on the hotel room. Maybe it was the carpet, maybe it was the A/C, maybe it was the freedom… or maybe it was the mirror so that he could (open mouth) kiss himself.

The thing about hotels, you never know who’s been crawling naked all over you bed.

...according to Kreg
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