On Saturday we woke up in Richmond, VA. After a stop for some breakfast we were off to Avon, NC.
“Honey Whyte’s All-American Cafe”
Traffic was terrible, but we made it, and we only needed one wardrobe change.
Noah Cardiel Holt | My life according to other people
The early days of Noah Cardiel Holt
Jul 20 2009
On Saturday we woke up in Richmond, VA. After a stop for some breakfast we were off to Avon, NC. “Honey Whyte’s All-American Cafe” Traffic was terrible, but we made it, and we only needed one wardrobe change.
Jul 19 2009
Driving, Day OneBummed, Eating, Gear, Grandparents, Gross, Psyched, Sleep, Travel, Uncle Tim Comments Off on Driving, Day OneOn Friday we set out for NC. Our plan was to take our time, spend the night in Richmond, VA, and then stroll into Avon, NC on Saturday. First we had to get the van packed, but Opa was on it… A late lunch. Noah had a few bites of a sour pickle. Making it to the hotel. “Art photo”
Jul 09 2009
Kate, Nana Urban, Opa Urban, and Noah got back to NYC on Tuesday night from Michigan. Noah did well traveling, and Kate was feeling pretty good about it until she realized that a can of formula that they packed into the big piece of luggage exploded mid-journey. Then, during dinner, Noah’s food exploded (or was smeared) all over his face. I don’t even remember what he was eating. It kind of looks like black beans maybe?
Jul 04 2009
I’m going to PA this weekend, Noah and Kate are going to Michigan…Â We’ll all be back together soon, just in time for me to go off to L.A. for a week. “Be nice to mom this weekend Noah.” Happy Fourth of July!!!
Jul 02 2009
Last Day at DHMC (Thank god)Bummed, Chilling, Exercise, Grandparents, Psyched, Sleep, Travel Comments Off on Last Day at DHMC (Thank god)Everyone seemed to be getting antsy. Especially my dad and Noah. They wanted out of the hospital. My dad had been there for a week, Noah was going on his 3rd day. “Magic sleigh bed!! Take us home!!!” “Dad, this thing’s broke, how about you take me home.” “Nana…” Noah and I went for a walk, he fell asleep and when I turned around I saw people stalking us. Finally getting to kick that liquid diet for some real food. (Photo below by Kate) Just as we start getting ready to break out of the hospital, it starts to get dark and rain (again). Finally free, we have to part ways. NYC calls, but hopefully we can get up to NH and see how my dad is doing soon. After leaving the hospital, Noah slept for 2 1/2 hours.
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