Visting Grampa at DHMC

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My dad, Noah’s Grandpa, had surgery last Monday up at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and after hearing that everything went well Kate, Noah, and I had to head back to NYC.  We got to head back up to DHMC on Saturday to see how Dad was doing.  Noah’s Aunt Mindy had been with Dad all week, through the tough days of helping him get mobile again and also dealing with hospital boredom.  We had the easy part of his hospital stay, plus we had Noah to keep a smile on his face.


Saying “hi” to Noah, and “bye” to Mindy.


Dad was trying to take 5 walks a day.  The walks were tiring, and the view was all too familiar, so to try and change things up we had Noah race him.



Noah getting distracted, and letting his Grandpa win.


We left the hospital around 8 pm and grabbed some dinner before heading to the Upper Valley Hostel for the night.


Grampa Has Surgery

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On Monday my dad went in for surgery at Dartmouth Hickcock Medical Center.  We all went with him to show support.


By the time Kate, Noah, and I got there Dad was ready all preped and waiting for a surgery room to become available.




Noah saying goodbye for a few hours.


Saying “hello” to the play room.




Auntie Mindy checking out the photos on this blog that she missed while flying up to NH.




After lunch we practiced some walking.  Kate took photos.


Walking while holding onto only one hand.



Waiting by the computer that will tell us Dad’s status in surgery.


The computer never changed, instead the doctor came out and told us that everything went well and that Dad was resting comfortably.  Everyone was relieved and knew it would be a while until we could see him so we went out for some dinner.




Up To NH

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On Friday we took a ride up to NH for Father’s Day Weekend and to be with my father as he has some surgery on Monday.

Our Father’s Day gift strapped to the roof of the car.


Maple Pulled Pork Sandwiches at The Vermont Country Deli.



Showin’ mama some love.


Getting some exercise after being in the car all day.


Tractor Parade

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Sunday morning breakfast in Long Eddy.


Noah had more fun playing in the wet grass than it looks.


Sitting with Lee on the back porch/balcony of the finished barn on their property, overlooking a small pond and creek.  Again, perfect.



For 13 years the town of Callicoon, NY, with it’s classic American Main Street, has been putting on a tractor parade.  People come for miles.




After the parade Kate, Noah, and I made our way back to Brooklyn, stopping off at The Fat Lady Cafe on Kauneoga, NY for lunch.



Thanks to Brett and Lee for such an amazing and relaxing weekend.  We can’t wait to go back.

Long Eddy

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We spent the weekend up in Long Eddy, NY with Lee and Brett.  They have a great little farm house up there on a quiet road with no cell phone service.  It was perfect.










The vibe.


We drove into town for lunch.


Bald Eagle viewing spot.


Bald Eagle.


Bald Eagle viewing spot flowers.


Planes on the ceiling of a barber shop.


We picked up some groceries and I kicked back for the rest of the night (thus concludes this photo story).
