Leaving Providence

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Monday morning we were all up early again, Julian had a check-up and we had to get on the road to see Kim who lives near New Haven.



Noah was slobbering all over himself with excitement for this piano.


We said our good-byes and got on the road.  Noah quickly fell asleep and woke up just in time to play with Kim’s daughter Julia and her friend Cooper.




Kim is getting Lasik Surgery next week, lucky.  Kim did not get barfed on here, also lucky.  Noah had just finished lunch.





A quick diaper change in the passenger seat of the car and back to Brooklyn.


Vacations are never long enough.

Bristol, RI

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On Sunday morning we had some breakfast, saw Betsy, Patrick, and Layla off, and then took a drive to Bristol, RI to have some lunch.


Joshua, Julian, Amanda, Betsy (Amanda’s sister), Layla, and Patrick




Noah looking happy.

My lunch looking good.


Noah looking mad.


Noah let the entire restaurant know that he was jealous of my incredibly fresh lobster roll, so after rushing through it I took Noah for a walk to see some boats.


Kate making Noah laugh.




My wild blackberry chip, and banana peanut butter cup cone.  Ridiculous.









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On Friday morning we drove up to Providence to help The Deaner’s celebrate Julian’s First Birthday.

The drive was a sweaty one.






We walked over to the coffee shop where Julian tried to make friends with everyone.





Then some dinner.


Then Julian made friends with a dog.



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I am photographing Amanda and Jerry’s Wedding today, and yesterday we went up to scout the location.  They are getting married at Fort Tryon Park at the northern tip of Manhattan and I’d never been there.  Kate and Noah decided to tag along.


I don’t even remember people having window boxes in Williamsburg, in our new neighborhood they are everywhere.


The train ride was around an hour, Noah doesn’t remember any of it.


The park looked beautiful, especially after the 8 or so days of rain that we’ve had.


Unfortunately it was pouring and I forgot an umbrella…


I guess Noah thought we looked funny wet.


Amanda and Jerry picked a great place to get married.  We should have a good time today.

NH, our second home.

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We are back up in NH to be with Noah’s great grandfather who isn’t doing well.  Noah is trying to provide some smiles during this tough time.
