Feb 10 2009
The second and final day of Ryan’s destination birthday was a little slow to start. Maybe it was all the Wii playing (into the wee hours), or maybe it was that unseasonably warm weather.

Noah playing Godzilla on a map of Long Island. (photo by Kate)

Michele, Dave, their son Sebastian, and Mark.

Saying goodbye to Michele, Dave and Sebastian as they go do a little Long Island house hunting.

Packing the car.

Before we trekked back to NYC, we went up to Cedar Point Park to chill in the mid-winter warmth.

Ryan and Ellen.

Settling in for the drive back to Brooklyn in our dirty car.

...according to Kreg
Feb 05 2009
Noah begged and pleaded, but it was to no avail. After some breakfast, Mom made us leave NH and make the long drive back to NYC.

(Here I am using light and a pleading look to express the sadness Noah and I feel. Please note the smile on Mom’s face.)

We we got back to our apartment, I made Noah help me unload the car and this is the best he could do.

...according to Kreg
Feb 03 2009
Last week we (I) had to get out of NYC and get on some snow. Northern NH got a fresh foot of snow last week, on top of the foot they got the week before, so off we went. Kate and I brought our snow gear, Noah brought the last few days of his cold.

...according to Kreg
Jan 08 2009
I don’t know how we did it, but we fit all this into our little ole Stratus, and still managed to have a seat next to Noah free so that Kate could sit next to him if she wanted.

Unpacking is SUPER FUN!!!
...according to Kreg
Jan 08 2009
All good things come to an end. Saturday morning we got up early, had some breakfast, then drove back to New York. It was great to see The Deaners and what they’ve done with their new home. We can’t wait go back.

...according to Kreg
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