Jul 09 2012
Packing the car for a weeks vacation on Cape Cod.

Bringing the essentials.

Fast forward a 7 hour drive and… Julian!

Julian’s skateboard!

We get inside and the first thing we see, a “friendship” contract from Joshua.

Second most important thing, dinner.

Land Ho!

Bros waiting #1.

Bros waiting #2.

A lobster club sandwich. Lobster and bacon, win-win!

...according to Kreg
Apr 20 2012
Last weekend we drove up to New Hampshire for my cousin Joey’s wedding.
Lunch, Brattleboro, VT.

Mission accomplished!

On the 4th day of Easter…

...according to Kreg
Mar 09 2012
Before we get back to regular programing, I wanted to share some photos of me and Kate taking in the sites of Mexico.

Relaxing times.
...according to Kreg
Mar 02 2012
Home for a day, dressing Noah in a shirt I bought him while I was in Colorado.

Then Kate and I are off to Mexico where I am shooting a wedding.

It’s tough letting go.

Luckily we left Noah in the more than capable hands of Nana T. and Opa.
...according to Kreg
Jan 01 2012
New years are cool, but here on Noah’s blog we are still living in the past…
A stop for lunch on our way up to NH the day before Christmas.

Made it.

Noah dj’s our trip to see Nina and Jasper.

Leaving cookies out for Santa back at my parents house.

“We said for Santa!” (fake cries)

...according to Kreg
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