Sep 12 2011


To make things worse we couldn’t even leave Bass Harbor casually, stopping on the way home to break up the long drive. No, we had to race home to beat a Hurricane. Noah was a champ though, and with no traffic we made it home in just under 9 hours. Just in time for the heavens to open and some impressive rain and wind to rip through our neighborhood.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah.. Noah got my hobbit feet. I know.)
...according to Kreg
Aug 30 2011
Waking up in our tent in Kennebunkport, ME. Everyone slept well, even with Noah’s sleep crawling.

While I got cleaned up Noah grew a tail.

So far the people in Maine seemed nice…

My parents (Nana and Grampa) met us at the house we rented.

Noah has so much to learn…

...according to Kreg
Aug 29 2011
Ahh.. Vacation. Here is part one of how it went down.
Lunch time exercise on our drive to Kennebunkport, ME two Friday’s ago.

In New Hampshire we hit some serious rain.

Luckily our campsite was completely dry.

Noah watching something on my phone while we ate dinner.

Leaving dinner.

Back at the campsite, Noah in the sleeping bag that Aunt Mindy got him for his birthday.

How did Noah’s first night in the tent go? I’ll tell you tomorrow…
...according to Kreg
Jul 12 2011
We had an action packed Saturday. After a run in the morning, we packed it up and drove out to meet up with Kim and her family at a block party.

Noah with Kim’s husband Mark.

Then it was off to see Michelle, Dave, Sebastian and Veronica.

It was Veronica’s First Birthday.

Noah with Erika.

Jumping with Sebastian.

Last stop was Uncle Matt’s house (a.k.a. Uncle Bugs).

Catching fireflies.

...according to Kreg
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