More from Providence

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Joshua put up his flicks from our visit to The Deaner’s in Providence. Have a look:

Last day in Charlotte

Auntie Mindy, Chilling, Eating, Family, Fancy, Grandparents, Sappy, Travel, Vacation 1 Comment »

The final post from our stay with Aunt Mindy the other weekend.

We spent a relaxing morning by the pool.

This was about as wet as Noah got.

Lunch at Merts.

Water in a coffee cup, Noah was psyched.

Fried green tomatoes.

After lunch we went to a library that was designed by the firm that Kate works for.

…but it was closed. “Summer hours”.

Crushed. Sincerely.

Fast forward a few hours. Time spent trying to cheer Kate up and pack for our flight back to NYC. As we got our stuff together and waited for the elevator, things got sappy.

Aunt Mindy and Noah at the airport…

When we got to the gate our plane was waiting for us, trying to get off the ground early to avoid a storm.

We didn’t beat the storm and so we sat on the runway for 20-30 minutes, but eventually we got off the ground and through the clouds we said good-bye to Charlotte.

When we landed, Opa was waiting to take us home.

Really grateful to Opa for the ride home, and big, big thanks to Aunt Mindy for a great weekend in Charlotte. It was nice to get a small glimpse of her life down there.

Family flight to Charlotte

Auntie Mindy, Hygiene, Psyched, Sleep, Travel, Vacation 3 Comments »

Living in NYC has it’s pluses and minuses. It’s nice that you can hire a ride to the airport, and in that ride can be a car seat saving us the trouble of having to park our car or ask a friend to drive us. A downside of living here is that way too many people live here, making a car hard to find on a Friday evening and making it even hard to find a car with a good car seat. We make do.

“Making do” can lead to car sickness though, so be prepared (I spared you photos of said sickness..).

Fly safe.

Touched down, Charlotte (CLT).


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Friday afternoon we packed up the car and drove to Providence to see The Deaner’s. We also got to see some things we didn’t expect, like hours of slow moving traffic and Noah getting sick in the car (probably from watching “Cars”).

Then at a rest stop in Connecticut we saw Jojo!

Third stop, dinner.

After 6.5 hours we rolled into Providence. Psyched to see our friends.

Waking up in Boston

Eating, Friends, Gear, Partying, Travel 1 Comment »

Modern parenting.

After we all wake up, we drive to Natick to see The Charests.


Ben’s skis!


Noah wanted his cinnamon roll on the firetruck.

It was a quick visit, we had to get back to NYC to watch The Pats lose.

Fast forward about 4 hours…


Surprisingly, even Savannah in her Patriots cheerleader outfit couldn’t get our team into the game.

Thanks for breakfast Mark, Sarah, Ben, and Tyler!!  Thanks to The Savas’s for having us over to watch the last Patriots game of the season.