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Auntie Mindy, Friends, Gear, Reading, Sappy, Travel, Vacation 1 Comment »

After spending the night in PVD we had to pack it up and get back to NYC so Kate could get her background checked for her new job.


Fast forward 4 hours and multiple trips to unload the car.

Noah snuck up the stairs empty handed.

Fast forward 6 hours and one passed background check and we were opening another present from Aunt Mindy that came in the mail.

Great book.  Thanks Min!

Good ole’ NH

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Saturday morning we packed it up and drove up to NH.  As you can imagine, driving with little dude (and his mom) requires a couple pit stops.

Luckily, about half way there is The Basketball Hall of Fame!!

After using the bathroom, Noah wanted in on some basketball games.

Instead I gave him 3 min. to try and dribble in the gift shop.  Not pictured, Noah being really bummed on me.

Lunch!  Brattleboro, VT.

Last stop, Milan, NH as ash was falling from the sky from Jasper and Doug’s bonfire.

Aunt Mindy made it up from Charlotte!

Noah was a little overwhelmed with everything being on fire, dudes with years of facial hair, and four-wheelers racing around..  Happy Birthday Son.

Uncle Gerry tossing some branches on the fire.



Goodnight Noah.

There was a lot of wood to burn, and Jasper gets impatient.

A while later..

Quick trips end too fast

Eating, Exercise, Exploring, Friends, Travel Comments Off on Quick trips end too fast

Early morning tunneling our last day in Providence with The Deaners.


Park #1

Stuck croc.

Park #2!

Lost and found.

Then like that, we were gone..  headed back to NYC, with a quick stop for lunch in New Haven.

Now I’m a little bummed that I can’t make the color right on this pizza because this thing was a beast.  I feel like this photo isn’t very appetizing, but trust me, it was great.  I think it was called the “Italian Bomb” pizza.  Pepperoni, Sausage, Bacon, Peppers, Mushrooms…  I’m sure I’m missing some other stuff, but you get the idea.

Noah ran back to the car, I crawled…  belly full of bomb.

Thanks for having us Joshua, Amanda, and Julian!  It was great to spend the weekend with you kids, see your friends, see the beach, see the Charest’s, and see your parks.  Can’t wait to go back.

Afternoon BBQ in PVD

Eating, Friends, Partying, Travel 1 Comment »

While Noah and Julian napped, Joshua, Kate, and I went to get some groceries for a little BBQ.  Desert?  Check!

The Charest’s came over!  Benjamin taught Noah and Julian everything they needed to know about grilling.

Then Ben tried to teach Noah how to kick BOMBS!  Julian didn’t need any help.

Noah tried to warn everyone that Santa was watching… (anyone with white hair and a white beard or mustache is “Santa” right now)

Getting a lost ball.


Morning in the PVD

Chilling, Friends, Gear, Travel Comments Off on Morning in the PVD

Up early, smelling the flowers on our way to the Farmer’s Market.

Maybe also eating the flowers..  probably not a good idea though.

Maybe some early morning “shot blocking”..

Back to the car, coffee in hand.

Euro baby.

Papa Deaner getting business done, as seen though my sunglasses.

Papa Deaner getting the shot and about to dip his new phone in the water.  This may be the last photo taken before it stopped working.

Getting in some digging.

Random dude.

Time to get lunch.