Trip to PVD

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This weekend we were up in Providence, RI visting the Deaner’s.  This was Noah’s bag, heavy on the toys.

Fast forward to Saturday morning and the (sleepy, messy) boys having some breakfast.

Papa Deaner.

…to be continued.

Peace Avon

Aunt Lisa, Eating, Exploring, Family, Grandparents, Travel, Uncle Tim, Vacation 2 Comments »

A week and a day ago, we left vacation to come back to real life.  Noah awoke, from the bathroom cabinet in which he slept, disappointed that we had to leave yet happy with the great memories he had collected with his family.

One last run in the driveway.

No scrapes this time.

Packing up.

Lisa was ready.

Fast forward 5 hours.

Lemon eater.

Disclaimer, Noah did not sleep in the cabinet, and he eats more than lemons.

Fast forward 3 hours and to a found playground.

Ok, not the greatest playground ever, but it did the job.

…just keep an eye on the car..

Rabbits, which are probably hard to see.

One last ride on the truck.

Balls over New Jersey.

12 hours after leaving Avon, we were back in Brooklyn.  Vacation over.

The long drive to a much needed vacation

Eating, Shopping, Travel, Vacation 2 Comments »

Saturday morning we made our way to the Outer Bank of NC for a week of almost nothing.  Something I was really looking forward to.  Thing was, the drive is about 12 hours with stops for Noah, food, and groceries.

Finding lunch on the road is always tough.  Getting out of the car and into the humidity can be brutal.

Nice to stretch the legs.

They sure like peanuts in Texas…

Still nasty out.

4 hours later…


Cute though, so one more flick from the tractor…

2 hours later…

30 min. later…

45 min. later and we’re done.

13 hours total.  NYC to Avon, NC.

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Grampa sprung

Bummed, Fashion, Grandparents, Gross, Travel 1 Comment »

Sunday morning my Dad/Noah’s Grampa got out of the hospital.  He was a little sore, but otherwise feeling good and looking a lot better.  We met up with him and My Mom/Noah’s Nana in Lancaster at a gardening store where Nana was making Grampa’s wallet sore.

Grampa’s intestines don’t look like this anymore.

A little park time before we would get in the car and drive back to NYC.

I’m not sure what this thing was, but it was labeled “Sex Machien”.

Kate stuck in a tube.

We said our goodbyes to Nana and Grampa and made our way back to NYC.  When we stopped for lunch Kate spied this vacant farmers market that had some toys out.

Kind of a strange place, but Noah had a good time playing in the sandbox.  Filthy kid.

First wardrobe change.

After getting cleaned up by the creek, we got back in the car and about an hour or so later, Noah got sick in the back seat.  Second wardrobe change.

Back in the car.  Back to New York.

The Vermonter

Grandparents, Travel 1 Comment »

We went up to NH this weekend to see my parents and pick up the car that they were giving us.  Thing was, we sold our old car so we had to take the train, specifically we had to take The Vermonter.  We made our way to Penn Station and waited for our train to arrive.

Later New York.


Then a nap.

Lots of staring out the window.

Noah politely introduced himself to everyone.

After 7+ hours on the trian, “White River Junction” and Nana and Grampa!

But it was tough to say goodbye to the train…

…and I guess it was hard for the train to say goodbye to us.