Oct 04 2010
A couple Friday’s ago we went over to see Andy, Aransas, and Savannah for dinner.
After dinner…
Noah said, “Bye bye!”
I was laughing so hard it was tough to focus.
Ten minutes later these two opened the front door and ran down the hallway…Â trouble.
...according to Kreg
Jul 28 2010
For the historical record, it’s been dumb hot here all summer. All summer. I even felt bad for this doll left in a car without a window cracked. Would she melt?
On the way home from day care we saw Caique.
Noah shared a snack with him.
Then Aunt Mindy called…
…and Noah got sweat all over my phone.
Andy, Aransas, and Savannah invited us over for dinner.
Noah made a mess of their books.
I felt bad about Noah making a mess until…
Oh man.
Aransas, barefoot and getting very pregnant.
Nectarines, so good.
...according to Kreg
Jun 28 2010
Kate bought Noah a new food bib. It’s tie-dye so it was kind of a gift for me too, and Noah is into it, trust me, just not when I took this flick.
See, 43 seconds later and not a tear to be dried.
42 minutes later… a thrown cup and some real tears.
Must be the weather.
...according to Kreg
Jun 16 2010
Happy Anniversary to Nana and Grampa Holt!! This post is dedicated to you, even if it really has nothing to do with you, or marriage, or NH, or…
Noah and his co-conspirators at day care the other day.
Charlotte. Smart girl. She stays out of the trouble Noah, Sara, and Savannah get into.
...according to Kreg
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