Mother’s Day All Day Every Day.

Art, Eating, Exercise, Family, Friends, Grandparents, Holidays, Learning, Partying, Sports, Technology, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim Comments Off on Mother’s Day All Day Every Day.

We started Mother’s Day with a Dad dominated soccer practice. Noah was slow to get into it.


Enzo on sticker duty.

Surprising mom with flowers after her yoga class.

Cleaned up and then on the bus to meet The Urban fam.

We ordered rainbows for Kate and Nana T.

…and lots of sun.

…and a couple of photographers to document the occasion.



Then down to Red Hook for the BWAC show that Nana T. helps to put together.

Noah was psyched because a lot of the good work was on the floor.

It was really hard to keep Noah away from these crayons.

This is a face, drooling or throwing up, not sure.

Some of the prints Nana T. was showing.

Filthy boy.

So Kate has a new phone… I think you’ll be seeing a lot of it…

This woman rescues birds, she showed Noah her newest patient.

Happy Mother’s Day to Kate and Nana T.! Thanks for all they do!

Declan’s Christening

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Declan, Family, Grandparents, Milestones, Partying, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Tim Comments Off on Declan’s Christening

Rushing to catch Declan’s Christening, after getting the start time mixed up.

The show was already in progress… John (Declan’s Godfather) lighting the baptism candle.

Declan with his Aunt and Godmother, Donna.

With the grandparents.

The after party.

Noah’s third, 3rd Birthday.

Animals, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Declan, Eating, Fashion, Grandparents, Holidays, Milestones, Partying, Psyched, Sports, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim 1 Comment »

Emmett and Lisa offered their house up for Noah’s Birthday/Labor Day Party with The Urban’s, and you know we took them up on it. Here was my view from the grill…

Declan was having a good time.


Cake! (Made by Kate)

Nicole with the boys.


Rescuing animals, so hot right now!

Declan relaxed in knowing that the following weekend would be his christening and he would show up “mr. seersucker shorts”.


Thanks to Emmett and Lisa for letting us make a mess of their house, and thanks to everyone for the great presents.

Father’s Day/Opa’s Birthday

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Declan, Eating, Family, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying, Theater, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim 2 Comments »

Tough year for Birthdays in the Urban Clan. Kate and Uncle Bugs’ Birthday was on Mother’s Day, and Opa’s Birthday fell on Father’s Day this year. To celebrate all this craziness, we crashed in on Emmett (who was celebrating his first Father’s Day), Lisa (Who has to wait a whole year for her first Mother’s Day), and 9 day old Declan.

Lil’ Napper.


Urban men.

This is the moment when Emmett figured it all out…

Emmett’s pretty good with those tongs.

Meanwhile in the backyard, the hero of our story was waging a battle of his own.

The happy (sleepy) couple.

Thanks to Emmett and Lisa for having us all over.

I also want to thank the place where I dropped of this computer to be fixed last Monday. What was going to be a 2-3 day repair turned into a stressful and agonizing 6 days.

Declan James Urban

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Declan, Family, Milestones, Psyched, Uncle Emmett 1 Comment »

Welcome to the world Declan James Urban. Born at 2:24 am and he’s 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. Aunt Lisa says that “He is perfect in every way but he is in the NICU for low blood sugar and will remain there for at least 48 hours”.

We are psyched to meet him.

(photos coming soon.)