Mother’s Day with The Urban’s

Animals, Aunt Lisa, Chilling, Eating, Exploring, Family, Fashion, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs) 1 Comment »

On Sunday afternoon, before heading out to Emmett and Lisa’s, we wished Nana Holt a Happy Mother’s Day via video conference.

After a quick nap on the drive out, Noah had some business to take care.

In other news, Noah and I came up with a new nickname for Uncle Matt. We are calling him “Uncle Bugs” (he works for the USDA looking for microscopic insects in potato fields). Here Noah is asking Uncle Bugs about this dead bee he found.

Opa got dragged into bug hunting.

A gift (for Noah) from Aunt Lisa.

While we were celebrating Mother’s Day, why not celebrate some birthdays too.

Thanks for having us all over Emmett and Lisa, and thanks to everyone for the great birthday gifts and cards.


Urban Christmas 2010, Nana T edition

Aunt Lisa, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim Comments Off on Urban Christmas 2010, Nana T edition

This one’s for you, Daddy

Hey, thanks Tim

Angus needs to read up on pregnancy too?

Wow, this is FUN!!

The New & Improved Urban Family

Ready to go yet, Kate?

How can 2 little shoes be so hard?

Urban Christmas 2010

Aunt Lisa, Eating, Family, Fancy, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying, Psyched, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim 1 Comment »

The other weekend we met up with the Urban clan for another day of opening presents!!

Uncle Emmett bragging to Noah about all the holiday cards they get.

Noah gave Nana T. and Opa an ornament that he made for them at school.

Uncle Tim and Uncle Matt talking to their Aunt Annette who was visiting from Florida.

Opa gave Noah some lunch.

Then it was time for presents!

Uncle Matt gave Noah a bunch of great Hot Wheels tracks and cars.

A bulldozer from Nana and Opa!

Trains and tracks!

Noah (and Kate) had ornaments for everyone.

I can’t remember what sound Noah was hiding from, maybe a blender… or a vacuum…

Playing cars with Uncle Emmett before we trekked back to the city.

Thanks to Emmett and Lisa for hosting, and thanks to everyone for all the great presents!

Brunch with the fam

Aunt Lisa, Eating, Family, Grandparents, Milestones, Psyched, Sappy, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Tim 2 Comments »

After chilling with Santa, we met up with the rest of the Urban clan and had brunch.  Lisa and Emmett brought a surprise for us.

Lisa is pregnant!  Noah’s cousin is due in June!

Time to start picking out presents.

Nana T’s Birthday

Aunt Lisa, Eating, Family, Grandparents, Partying, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Tim Comments Off on Nana T’s Birthday

It was Nana T’s Birthday the other weekend and Emmett and Lisa were kind enough to host.  Noah was happy to see a jack-o-lantern.

Then post nap shy guy set in…

Nana saved the day.


Puzzles with Kat.


Goodnight Opa.