Jul 13 2012
Lunch in Provincetown on a day where the weather was going to be spotty.

The umbrellas at the restaurant made everything red!

Getting some loot at the pirate museum.

Group photo where I only offended Julian. 1/5, better than my average.

…when in Rome…

Later, after dinner, we went to see the Orleans Firebirds play.

The clouds followed.

Joshua snatched a foul ball away from a senior citizen…

7th inning stretch.

...according to Kreg
Jul 12 2012
Skaket Beach.

The tide was so low we ran to try and reach the ocean.

Smiles all around.

For a little while at least…

…it’s just water…

Hermit crab.

Amanda put on nail polish that matched the buoys.

I had two 4 figure ($) camera’s around my neck, and the best photo I got was with my phone…


This is a tourist destination, no really.

The Chatham Pier Fish Market.

Photo my Joshua Deaner.

Noah is asking for this backpack for his birthday.

The rain started and Kate darted into a store. Lucky for me and Noah it was a candy store.

She followed up the candy store by bringing a toddler eating M&M’s into a store selling 4 figure ($!) clothing for old ladies.

We got out safely.

Back at the house.

...according to Kreg
Jul 11 2012
Early morning, walking around before the rain.

Horseshoe crab.

I poached this shot from Joshua.


Instead of sight seeing, we ate donuts.

End of the day.

...according to Kreg
Jul 10 2012
First full day of #DOLT2012 (Deaner/Holt Cape Cod Vacation 2012), no regrets about the house we chose.

Field trip to Boston.

(this guy)

Why would we drive to Boston? FENWAY!!!

Lil’ dude giving us some rally raps.

Rally hugs.



It was so hot, that at the top of the 2nd we had gone through 8 bottles of $4 water and were toast.

(Really, we probably made it to he top of the 6th. Still pretty pathetic, but we are comfortable with who we are.)

Adult time.

...according to Kreg
Jul 09 2012
Packing the car for a weeks vacation on Cape Cod.

Bringing the essentials.

Fast forward a 7 hour drive and… Julian!

Julian’s skateboard!

We get inside and the first thing we see, a “friendship” contract from Joshua.

Second most important thing, dinner.

Land Ho!

Bros waiting #1.

Bros waiting #2.

A lobster club sandwich. Lobster and bacon, win-win!

...according to Kreg
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