Bass Harbor

Chilling, Grandparents, Psyched, Sup, Travel, Vacation 1 Comment »

This is what’s up.


Last day in Charlotte

Auntie Mindy, Chilling, Eating, Family, Fancy, Grandparents, Sappy, Travel, Vacation 1 Comment »

The final post from our stay with Aunt Mindy the other weekend.

We spent a relaxing morning by the pool.

This was about as wet as Noah got.

Lunch at Merts.

Water in a coffee cup, Noah was psyched.

Fried green tomatoes.

After lunch we went to a library that was designed by the firm that Kate works for.

…but it was closed. “Summer hours”.

Crushed. Sincerely.

Fast forward a few hours. Time spent trying to cheer Kate up and pack for our flight back to NYC. As we got our stuff together and waited for the elevator, things got sappy.

Aunt Mindy and Noah at the airport…

When we got to the gate our plane was waiting for us, trying to get off the ground early to avoid a storm.

We didn’t beat the storm and so we sat on the runway for 20-30 minutes, but eventually we got off the ground and through the clouds we said good-bye to Charlotte.

When we landed, Opa was waiting to take us home.

Really grateful to Opa for the ride home, and big, big thanks to Aunt Mindy for a great weekend in Charlotte. It was nice to get a small glimpse of her life down there.

Bubbles on the balcony! Dinner on the balcony! Everything we do… we do it on the balcony!

Auntie Mindy, Chilling, Eating, Fancy, Hygiene, Vacation 1 Comment »

Still more flicks from Saturday. In all I shot 757 photos on Saturday, so just be psyched I could whittle it down to a few posts. I probably shot 500 flicks just on/of/near the balcony.

These colored bubbles are a disaster.

Dinner on the balcony!

Brushing teeth (You can’t do everything on the balcony).



Art mess

Art, Auntie Mindy, Exploring, Gross, Hygiene, Vacation Comments Off on Art mess

Saturday afternoon, after mourning the loss of Auntie Mindy’s camera and cursing the lack of a nap for Noah…

Trying on Aunt Mindy’s “ears”.

For Kate.

Saturday, Part IV coming soon…

A quick story about a camera that Aunt Mindy used to have

Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Gear, Vacation Comments Off on A quick story about a camera that Aunt Mindy used to have

Saturday afternoon in Charlotte with Aunt Mindy.

As Noah tried to nap, Kate, Mindy, and I sat on the balcony. While we were talking, Mindy’s camera slipped off her lap slid through the railing, and fell twenty-one stories to the street below.

Luckily no one was hit.

Kate’s head showing us where the camera fell from.

The memory card and battery survived, but that’s it.