Waking up in Charlotte

Auntie Mindy, Eating, Exercise, Exploring, Fancy, Sappy, Vacation 2 Comments »

Friday night, our first night in Charlotte, was a little rough. Noah had pressure in his ear from the airplane and it took a while to make him feel better. Needless to say, we were pretty slow to get started Saturday morning.

Blowing bubbles is way more fun 21 floors up.

After breakfast and bubbles, we went Discovery Place Kids. We learned about things like farm work..

..and banking,

…and boating,

..and what it feels like to sit in the seat of an annoying Nascar drivers (just Google, Kyle Busch is annoying and you’ll see what I mean).


Sappy people waiting to pick up lunch.

Back to the balcony.

Kate has to have all 10 fingers on a sandwich when she eats. True story.

Family flight to Charlotte

Auntie Mindy, Hygiene, Psyched, Sleep, Travel, Vacation 3 Comments »

Living in NYC has it’s pluses and minuses. It’s nice that you can hire a ride to the airport, and in that ride can be a car seat saving us the trouble of having to park our car or ask a friend to drive us. A downside of living here is that way too many people live here, making a car hard to find on a Friday evening and making it even hard to find a car with a good car seat. We make do.

“Making do” can lead to car sickness though, so be prepared (I spared you photos of said sickness..).

Fly safe.

Touched down, Charlotte (CLT).

From a farm to a jungle

Animals, Exercise, Friends, Vacation Comments Off on From a farm to a jungle

Monday morning, our last day in Providence with The Deaner’s, and we spent the morning at a great farm/playground.


Well fed, car loaded, lil’ dude ready for a nap, perfect time to head back to NYC.

Thanks again to The Deaner’s for inviting us up for the holiday weekend!!

Day trip to NH

Chilling, Family, Friends, Grandparents, Shopping, Vacation Comments Off on Day trip to NH

Sunday morning we met up with Nana and Grampa Holt at my Uncle Lenny and Aunt Janet’s house in Manchester, NH to finally get the winter tires off our care (and maybe have an excuse to see each other).

Get the boring stuff out of the way.

Play time.

Photo of Noah swinging, while swinging. Talent for days.

Some quick shopping.

Noah’s face when I told him we had to leave Nana and Grampa.

Back on The Deaner porch in PVD.

We all waited for Julian to wake up from a nap.


Straight chilling…



Necessary Memorial Day Weekend BBQ

Eating, Exercise, Friends, Holidays, Learning, Partying, Sappy, Sports, Vacation 1 Comment »

Lunch.. yum.

Saturday afternoon The Deaner’s invited some friends over for a BBQ, and they let us Holt’s stick around.

The Charest’s came over. Lil’ Tyler’s cheeks got some attention.

I brought some new beer from Brooklyn for everyone to try (*this blog does not advocate, or facilitate, under age drink. Online or in person).

Noah getting batting lessons.

Tyler getting driving lessons.

They boys yelling (roaring) at me.

After dinner, things got romantic on the couch while watching Handy Manny.

Thanks to The Deaner’s for hosting a BBQ, and letting us stay for it. Also big up The Charest’s for making the drive over to chill.