Day third

Chilling, Exercise, Exploring, Family, Gear, Grandparents, Uncle Emmett, Vacation 1 Comment »

Morning cartoons.

Bruise update.

My view from the blogging nook.





Bike again.


Once again, the house where Mark and Sara got married a bunch of years back.  8? 7?

Kate waiting for Emmett.

That’s that house we are staying in, above the “Thank you” sign.


A whole lot of not much

Chilling, Exercise, Exploring, Family, Gear, Grandparents, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Tim, Vacation Comments Off on A whole lot of not much

Ahh.. vacation.  Noah’s bruising is going down..  that’s good.

Slow going.

Test out some other strollers while we rent bikes.

Emmett thinking maybe I should just concentrate on giving Noah a safe ride, rather than trying to take his picture…  He’s probably right.

Uncle Tim’s skid mark…

Poolside baby sitting.

Exploring with Aunt Diana.


Vacation, day one

Aunt Lisa, Bummed, Eating, Grandparents, Stress, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Tim, Vacation 2 Comments »

After a great night’s sleep, we had a little breakfast before going to get some groceries.  This photo can serve as a kind of “before” photo…

…because after I got back from a grocery run with Emmett, Noah was running in the driveway and took a dive.

Nana dried up the tears with strawberries.

Then Noah got mad at us for trying to clean up his wound and ran into the corner of the cabinets and got a cut on the left side of his head, more strawberries.

Luckily, he’s alright.

The pool is fine too.


World Cup Final.

Post nap bruiser.

Birthday party for Emmett.

Bratty birthday boy with silly string.

The poorly influenced younger brother.

The battered and bruised birthday boys nephew who is nervous about all this silly string stuff.

More pool.

Kate hoping tomorrow can be less eventful.

The long drive to a much needed vacation

Eating, Shopping, Travel, Vacation 2 Comments »

Saturday morning we made our way to the Outer Bank of NC for a week of almost nothing.  Something I was really looking forward to.  Thing was, the drive is about 12 hours with stops for Noah, food, and groceries.

Finding lunch on the road is always tough.  Getting out of the car and into the humidity can be brutal.

Nice to stretch the legs.

They sure like peanuts in Texas…

Still nasty out.

4 hours later…


Cute though, so one more flick from the tractor…

2 hours later…

30 min. later…

45 min. later and we’re done.

13 hours total.  NYC to Avon, NC.

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Beach leftovers

Chilling, Uncle Tim, Vacation 1 Comment »

Some flicks that didn’t make the original cut from our trip to Avon, NC.


Waking up from a beach nap.



