Sep 16 2013
Tagging Nana and Grampa Holt’s garage up in NH.

Stalking Noah like the paparazzi at the playground.

Caterpillars rescue.

Shopping for dinner.

Rock in the shoe.

Nature boy eating freshly picked blackberries.

My ideal kitchen.

Signing the guest book in the yurt.

Aunt Mindy!

Checking out Aunt Mindy’s pedicure.

Noah heading back to Nana and Grampa’s house for night.

Santa’s Village in the morning.
...according to Kreg
Sep 14 2013
As we drove north for some time in NH, Noah’s shorts faced south.

Out the car, straight to work on a bon fire.

It was good to be up there.
...according to Kreg
Jul 08 2013
The morning after Nana and Grampa Holt’s anniversary party, which also happened to be Father’s Day.

Riding around with Zach and Dillon.

Something for me.

(photo by Kate)

One hand-painted Jamaican shell too.

Signing Nana and Grampa Holt’s chairs.

I like this one.

Jasper’s was pretty good too.

After some basketball drills it was back in the car for the ride back to NYC. Vacation done.
...according to Kreg
Jul 05 2013
To cap of a pretty great week in Cape Cod, we drove up to NH for a surprise anniversary party for my parents.

All decorations by Aunt Mindy.

Waiting patiently with Nana T. and Opa, who drove up from Brooklyn for the party.

Digging in.


Chickens… not tents.

Signing Nana and Grampa’s chairs.

Smores with Zach.

Uncle Lenny and Aunt Janet.

Great times.
...according to Kreg
Jul 04 2013
Amanda and Julian taking inventory of the shells collected as we pack up to leave Cape Cod.

The back window of our car (smelled bad).

Always use sunscreen.

Family portrait by Joshua Deaner.

One last look at the beach.



After a few hours we were in Milan, NH for Nana and Grampa Holt’s surprise anniversary party.

Aunt Mindy did a great job decorating the inn we rented for the party. be continued.
Happy Fourth of July!!
...according to Kreg
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