Griffith Observatory and skating
Bummed, Chilling, Exercise, Exploring, Friends, Learning, Partying, Sports, Vacation 1 Comment »As we continue to recap our trip to Los Angeles, I present to you a morning spent at Griffith Observatory.
Lil’ bro bummed that we had to wait to get in.
Mark, psyched as Noah to get inside, skipping through the hallways.
We were here.
Respect your elders.
Later, after swooping up Eli from school, we went skating.
We had some girls hanging out at the skatepark with us too, no big deal.
Eli is 6 and tearing it up.
Follow the leader.
Joe, Mark, and #worstdudeever. The old men club. (photo by Kate)
(photo by Kate).
Joe (aka “.com”) blasting one.
Later at the cabin, we had the girls playing Twister ©.
Good times.
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